Online Product Catalog and Brochure Maker for Joomla
Most of the web designers know that Joomla and WordPress help us to build website easily. If you have made a website with the help of Joomla, would you like to present your flip book product catalog on your website? This article will give you the best solution. Joomla Flipping Book Maker is Flash Digital Magazine Software for making online product catalog with page turning effect from your PDF document, completely conversion. You can design the book with template and advance the book with rich-media easily if used Joomla Flipping Book Maker. Now let us learn its powerful features.
Flipping Product Catalog
While converting, the original resource (links, bookmark and content) of your imported PDF files will be perfectly preserved on the converted book. Flip the converted book page to read the book make you feel like reading a realist paper book. How amazing it is!Present Flipbook on Joomla page
This software provides the upload online service. It is very helpful for users, especially those people who donot own a website. After publishing, the upload online service not only gives you the online link, but also the embed code which can be used to embed book on website or Joomla.