Free OpenOffice to Flash Flip Book- freeware
Convert OpenOffice Document to Cool Flash Flip Book
- Turn OpenOffice (*.odt;*.odp;*.ods;*.odg;*.odb) to Digital Flash Flipbooks.
- Fully customize the flash page flipping eBook appearance
- Unlimited conversions without paying royalties.
- Publish online for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, and Android devices).
- Introducion
Free OpenOffice to FlipBook is a freeware to convert OpenOffice to online falsh flip page ebook with the real page turning effect.
The most common filename extensions used for OpenDocument documents can be converted to flash flip book:
.odt for word processing (text) documents
.ods for spreadsheets
.odp for presentations
.odb for databases
.odg for graphics
Free OpenOffice to FlashBook need OpenOffice installed in your computer, you can free download from http://download.openoffice.org/
Free OpenOffice to FlashBook also need Ghostscript, you can free download it here
Definition for openoffice:
OpenOffice.org (OO.o or OOo), commonly known as OpenOffice, is an open source software application suite available for a number of different computer operating systems. It is distributed as free software and written using its own GUI toolkit. ....
move see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice
If you need convert PDF to flash FlipBook, please see our product: FlipBook Creator