How do the flipbooks display on mobile devices?
Many people know our software support mobile output but do not know about how the mobile version of flipbook runs on their devices >>
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HTML5, iPad and iPhone FlipBook Creator Can and Cannot
These softwares are smarter compare to the only way to publish online the mobile version of flipbook created by FlipBook Creator, FlipBook Creator Professional, FlipBook Creator for Mac and FlipBook Creator Professional for Mac >>
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How to add page number?
As a book, the page number helps us remember where we read. Next time, we can go to the page interrupted last time. A digital book should be different from paper book page number. It could be either animated or still>>
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How to Add Object to Call JavaScript Function on Flipping Page?
You may know about JavaScript which is one kind of the rich programming languages. It is widely used to realize variety of functions, such as to call functions about displaying photo slideshow and light box>>
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Listen to audio books while in the car or cooking
The title impresses us that one of the reasons we turn to listen to audio books. In fact, we prefer to read those talking books for we cannot release hands and eyes in many occasions. I shall list several kinds of people or situations>>
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How to manage my online books?
If you have FlipBook Creator or FlipBook Creator Professional installed in your computer, you could notice there several buttons listed on top menu line about online service. However, you do not know how they work until now. If you have website to publish the output flipping books>>
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