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Are there quality options for output flipping papers?

You know, sometimes you needn’t the high quality of flipping books because the flipbook is small size which can be viewed clearly and it needn’t that high quality at all. So if it needn’t that high quality, it is unnecessary to waste of it which will devote more time to be loaded. To publish online, you should make the flipbook small and easy to be loaded. You know, if a client visit your website which has been embedded the flash flip catalog, he or she feel impatient if the webpage load it very slowly. To win each client who visits you, you should control the flipbook size and quality to make it perfect.

Step1: Select a task in the list of FlipBook Creator Service and then edit it.
Step2: Click Flip Settings button, and then move the mouse to the down-right corner and then click the quality selections.


FlipBook Creator Service for batch building up flipping papers enabes you to control the import quality.


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