
Devoted to developing the easiest to use Flip Book applications

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Can I preset the output HTML5 flippingbook quality?

If a big size flipbook created, you would consider where you publish it. The quality would be an important consideration before you publish the flipping book. You know, big size might lead to low speed of browsers loading. That is to say, if the flipbook is too big to load, the browsers would walk off the job. A proper size and quality may be the best way to save space and time. FlipBook Creator for HTML5 provides several programs for you.

1 Higher quality larger file size;
2 High quality large file size;
3 Medium quality medium file size;
4 Low quality small file size;
5 Lower quality smaller file size.

You could select any one that suitable for the requirements of publishing.

Step1: Start FlipBook Creator for HTML5.
Step2: Click on the button of Import PDF.
Step3: Click any option from the selective window.




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