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How do I insert a single flipbook page into an existing project?

Question: I would like to insert a single flipbook page into an existing project without importing and design my PDF file again. Is there a way to add a new page to flipbook but still keep all the configurations I made on my pages (video, link and image have added into page)? Give me some advice! Thanks in advance!


Answer: You can directly insert a new page to the existing designed flipbook without need to import PDF again. The type of inserting page includes SWF, Image and PDF. It is simple to do with using FlipBook Creator Pro. Now look at the below step-by-step tutorial to know how to make it.



Step1: Launch FlipBook Creator Pro software to import PDF document;

Step2: Enter into template interface, use design setting feature to beauty your flipbook, after all settings, click "Apply Change" to save all setting;

Step3: Click "Edit Pages" to open page editor, move to the left of side, find the icon "Insert pages" and click on it;




Step4: In the pop-up dialog, choose the insert type (swf/img/pdf), import the page file and then click "OK";




Step5: Save and exit to template interface.