How to change the icon color on the flipping book tool bar?
Did you notice the bottom tool bar icons listed full screen, help, thumbnail, sound on/off, zoom in/out, share, etc? We set white as its default color. Would you like to change the color as your suitable style which fits the flipping book? To access to the integrity, sometimes, the color should be considered as the important element.
As following illustration shown:
Step1: Turn to the left setting options, find the option of “Tool Bar Settings --> Button Icons --> Icon Color”.
Step2: Click the color rectangle afterward to launch at the color panel. (The color panel provides five different color selecting choices. Also you can use the icon of magnifier to suck any color on the panel you like just as the selection.)
Note that only if you click the shut icon on left-top corner of the color panel, you shut it and at the same time select the color. Don’t forget to click the top icon of “Apply Change” to apply all the changed settings to the current flipping book.
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