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How to change the icon color on tool bar for your flash online product catalog?

Maybe you have noticed the icons on the tool bar of flipping catalog created by FlipBook Creator. The default color is white. Do you want to change it? If just have this plan, in that way, you continue to read this tutorial to learn how to change the tool bar icons color to make the whole style look harmony. You know, generally, we hang the tool bar on the flipping catalog top or bottom. Diverse functionalities for example zoom in/out, sound on/off, full screen, next/previous page, thumbnail, search, share/ social share, etc are listed on the tool bar. We can control them icons and describe color respectively.


change icons color on tool bar

Step1: Access to the left Tab “Design Setting”.
Step2: Go ahead to the option “-Tool Bar --> Icon Color”.
Step3: click the afterward icon “…” to open the color panel, then custom your favorite color to adorn it.
Step4: Click the button “Apply Change” on the top menu line.

Finally check the output preview effect on the right preview window. Just now I changed the white icon to red. But anyway it looks odd, so I have to change it to white and reselect a proper color. Until I find the suitable color, otherwise it always looks weird. So no matter what color you choose, you should know your catalog belong to what style. Thereby custom a stunning color to adorn it. The catalog will become outstanding with perfect details adornments.

Of course, also you can change the icons to your own design. We have introduced the method in previous FAQ: Replace the icons on the toolbar of flash page flipping book. Design your own type icons would be a wonderful things to distinguish your product catalog and impress most people.


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