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How to create a mobile version of flipbook which can be read in smart phone?


Hi,I am a businessman and I want to create a mobile version of flipbook which can be read in smart phone. As we all know, nowadays, mobile phone has very strong functions. It can be used like a computer. Most people would like to use mobile phone to surf the Internet. So I want my flipbook to access those people, can I create a mobile version of flipbook?


FlipBook Creator Professional is a professional flipbook software to enable you to create animate digital magazine and flipbook easily. It provides you with storng ouputting fuction, it does not only enbles you to output it in EXE, HTML, ZIP and APP formats, but also allows you to create a mobile version of flipbook. It is not very completed to create a mobile version of flipbook, and it is quite simple, just tick it to solve out the problem.

Here are the detailed steps:

Step 1:Create FlipBook

First of all, you need to create a digital magazine and upload the flipbook you create to OUR online server.

  • 1.Download: Download FlipBook Creator Professional from our website.
  • 2.Design: Design your own flipbook by editing it or changing the theme or templates.

Mobile Version

Step 2: Publish Flipbook to mobile version: Click the icon of "Pulish" to output flipbook in html format, and then you will enter a new window, tick the box of "Also Maker Mobile Version" and choose the suitable template as you want.

Mobile Version

Mobile Version