
Devoted to developing the easiest to use Flip Book applications

Themes >Rainbow Themes

FlipBook Creator


Rainbow Theme Templates

The theme Rainbow provides marvellous looks and feel

  • Rainbow is a theme includes 4 free flipping templates help solve the issue of quick building page-turning catalog for web use.
  • The powerful interactive functions facilitate the process of makeing flipbook.
  • Imported quickly and allied easily without any complex assistant operations.
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  • Themes

FlippingBook Rainbow Theme for FlipBook Creator Professional


Can you define happiness properly? I think each person has her/his own definition because happiness itself provides liberty to everyone to explore and re-define. Different age, background, experience, education lead to different feels about this world and happiness. The theme Happiness provides four free templates may prompt you recognize happiness. These templates can be imported and applied to the plain digital files for making professional online publications with cool flipping effect. The common eBook become different and outstanding from others help you win much more attentions.


How to install Themes for FlipBook Creator (Pro)?






Rainbow Theme Screenshot


rainbow on the wood


rainbow on the ocean


rainbow on the green grass