
Devoted to developing the easiest to use Flip Book applications

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Embed flash in your already existed webpage but create a new one?

If you don't want to create a new web page to display your FlipBook, let me show you how to write HTML code to embed your output FlipBook into webpage.

  • To insert theFlipBook in webpage, just follow up the steps below:
  • 1. Create flipbook and output in a folder for later use. (you can refers to "Create FlipBook")
  • 2. Upload all files in the folder in a directory on your website.
  • 3. Edit the source code in the webpage (with HTML editor like Dreamweaver, or Notepad etc), copy and edit the code we provided below.
  • 4. Save the webpage, and then preview on Browser.








You can put the below code anywhere in a html tag.



Tip: You just change the URL of your flipping book and then change the containter's width and height.